Mark Romanchuk
On the Issues
A Stronger Ohio Economy
As a businessman and job creator, Mark Romanchuk knows what it takes to ensure hardworking taxpayers have the opportunities they need to succeed. He also knows how to create an environment that allows businesses to thrive right here in our community.
Romanchuk is a strong supporter of open and free markets and understands Richland, Ashland, and Medina Counties are in competition for jobs in the global marketplace. He supports a government that creates an environment where businesses can thrive. A business-friendly environment includes a properly trained workforce, low taxes, and simple, common-sense regulations.
A Skilled Workforce
Mark Romanchuk knows a skilled and highly trained workforce will attract the jobs and opportunities our community needs.
Romanchuk is actively working to restore and enhance vocational training in our schools and community colleges to provide today’s workers with the practical skill sets they need.
In addition, since many current job openings are going unfilled, Romanchuk is working to better inform students and displaced workers of the in-demand job occupations in Richland, Ashland, and Medina Counties.
A Thriving Manufacturing Industry
Mark Romanchuk is committed to making the 22nd Senate District the engine of Ohio’s manufacturing industry.
To increase our ability to compete for manufacturing businesses and jobs, Romanchuk knows Ohio’s workforce development programs and education system need to provide Ohioans with the right skills to win in the world marketplace. That starts by adopting industry recognized certificates and educating our youth about the virtues of a manufacturing career.
A Champion for Lower Taxes
Mark Romanchuk believes Ohioans deserve to keep more of what they work so hard to earn.
Romanchuk will stand up for Ohio taxpayers and stop tax hikes and needless fees that take more of our paychecks. Our state and local governments must live within their means. Romanchuk is in favor of low or no income taxes for our families.
A Constitutional Conservative
Mark Romanchuk believes in smaller, more limited government as defined by our Constitution. He believes government should uphold Constitutional Freedoms and defend our rights.
As a pro-life, pro-second amendment conservative, Romanchuk will always fight to protect our constitutional rights and freedoms.
A Defender of Our Families and Country
Mark Romanchuk has and always will work for our families above all. Romanchuk believes we can improve healthcare by removing government intervention and allowing the market to work.
The future of our state and our families lies in education. Romanchuk favors parental choice and bringing back a vocational focus in our schools.
Having lived, worked, and traveled extensively overseas, Romanchuk realizes the exceptional country we live in. He will always defend our country and the ideals it stands for.